5. Model assessment

Thermodynamics-based model assessment consists in finding parts of the network where the model structure and the measured or assumed metabolite concentrations are not compatible, suggesting model inaccuracies or novel mechanisms. Such cases can have different explanations:

  • COBRA models have been constructed with Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) as the main application and frequently contain thermodynamic inaccuracies. Some reactions may be annotated as irreversible in the model, while they are not in practice.

  • The direct interpretation of COBRA models is that individual reactions are independent events, i.e. (1) substrates diffuse to the enzyme, (2) substrates are converted to products (3) products equilibrate with the compartment. However the actual mechanism could be different. For example, substrate channeling could occur. In that case, an intermediate is passed directly from one enzyme to the other, without equilibrating with the metabolite pool in the compartment. While this mechanism is irrelevant for FBA, it has significant influence on thermodynamics.

  • Despite continuous improvements, we still don’t know the exact stoichiometry of metabolic networks, even for well-studies organisms. Reactions may be missing or have incorrect cofactors (with different thermodynamic properties).

Additionally, model assessment can tell us which reactions impose the strongest constraints on the thermodynamics of the network.

See [1] for additional information.

5.1. Thermodynamic anomalies

We can use PMO to detect anomalies in the network, i.e. variables whose predicted value is significantly different from its prior. A predicted value is flagged as anomaly if its z-score is larger than a certain threshold. A threshold of one means that a variable is flagged only if its predicted value is at least one standard deviation away from the its initial estimate.

5.2. Identifying anomalies

The QuantitativeAssessment class can be used to detect anomalies in a PMO solution. While you can set arbitrary objective in PMO, we recommend to use the default objective (maximize the probability of the thermodynamic variables).

1# Construct and solve the PMO problem.
2problem = pta.PmoProblem(model, thermodynamic_space)
5# Analyze the result to find anomalies in the predicted values.
6assessment = pta.QuantitativeAssessment(problem)
Quantitative thermodynamic assessment summary:
conentrations: mM, free energies: kJ/mol

> The following metabolites have been flagged as anomalies because their predicted
  concentration has an absolute z-score greater than 1.0:
            id       conc  z_log_c
524     mqn8_c  3.831e+03    4.843
520     mql8_c  1.434e-05   -4.843
234    fadh2_c  2.214e-05   -4.627
544     iasp_c  7.845e-05   -3.995

> No anomaly found in non-intracellular concentrations.

> The following reactions have been flagged as anomalies because their predicted
  free energy or standard free energy has an absolute z-score greater than 1.0:
            id          v     drg0        drg  z_drg     z_drg0     sp_drg
178         ASPO4  2.020e-08   84.123 -1.000e-03 -9.908 -5.824e+00  1.547e+00
479       GLYCTO3  1.373e-07   59.109 -1.000e-03 -7.215 -4.758e+00  2.611e-01
378          FRD2  7.783e-07  -75.359 -2.391e+01  6.513  4.571e+00  4.807e-12

> The following reactions are predicted to impose strong thermodynamic constraints
  on the network because their shadow price is greater than 0.1:
        id          v    drg0        drg  z_drg     z_drg0  sp_drg
178    ASPO4  2.020e-08  84.123 -1.000e-03 -9.908 -5.824e+00   1.547
127    AIRC3 -2.692e-01 -30.990  1.000e-03  5.580  3.627e+00   1.161
588     IMPD  1.462e-01  48.407 -1.000e-03 -5.900 -4.249e+00   0.991

Note that you can adjust the threshold for anomalies in the constructor of the QuantitativeAssessment class.

5.3. Interpreting and curating anomalies

Once you obtain the predicted anomalies you should investigate what is the reason. Here is a checklist of the most common reasons for anomalies:

  1. Is the anomaly expected? E.g. oxygen concentration is often flagged as anomaly, but it is normal to expect low concentrations.

  2. If the reaction is irreversible, is this annotation correct? Sometimes COBRA models are too restrictive in that sense.

  3. Is the metabolite channeled between two reactions? Or is there at least some hint for that in the literature or in databases such as STRING?

  4. Is the stoichiometry of the reaction correct? Maybe a reaction can use different cofactors. Moreover, some core models may use a single electron acceptor for all reactions, even if different ones are used in practice.

  5. How reliable is the standard reaction energy for the reaction? Free energies for exotic or large compounds are determined with group contribution, which may underestimate the uncertainty.

  6. Is the structure of the metabolite defined? Complex sugars such as glycogen can have different structures in different databases.

Points 3 and 4 are particularly interesting, as they can reveal new biological mechanisms. See [1] for additional information.

The snippet above shows part of the output obtained running the assessment on the iJO1366 model. It shows anomalies in the concentrations of mqn8, mql8 and iasp as well as in the standard free energy of of the reaction they participate to (aspartate oxidase, ASPO4). In this case the most probable explanation is that iminoaspartate (iasp) is channeled between aspartate oxidase and quinolinate synthase ([2]).

We can now curate the model by replacing the two reactions with a lumped reaction representing the channel. Since aspartate oxidase can use different electron acceptors, we should do the same with all variants of the reaction.

We recommend investigating and resolving anomalies iteratively: start from the highest anomaly and either resolve it or accept it. If you modified the model, run the assessment again and continue with the next highest anomaly.

5.4. Performance considerations

Running PMO can take a considerable amount of time on medium-large models. The runtime is even higher when the model contains several anomalies because the solution is pushed towards regions of low probability (further away from the objective). In these cases we recommend to separate the process in two steps:

  1. Run the assessment and curate the model for each compartment independently. For example you can construct a thermodynamic space that only covers intracellular reactions as follows:

     1# Get candidate thermodynamic constraints for the model, excluding
     2# extrcellular and periplasmic reactions.
     3constrained_rxn_ids = pta.get_candidate_thermodynamic_constraints(
     4    model,
     5    metabolites_namespace="bigg.metabolite",
     6    exclude_compartments=['p', 'e']
     9# Construct a thermodynamic space covering only the selected reactions.
    10thermodynamic_space = pta.ThermodynamicSpace.from_cobrapy_model(
    11    model,
    12    metabolites_namespace="bigg.metabolite",
    13    constrained_rxns=constrained_rxn_ids
  2. After curating each compartment, you can apply PMO and model assessment on the entire network. This should now be much faster.

5.5. References